Emphatic. Simple way to remember: NOT SVO but VSO. 2 0 obj The interactive displays were much more interesting. 0 ‘Didn’t the boss turn up late on Monday?’, ‘No, it…was Nick who turned up……late on Monday.’, ‘No, it…………………………………………. Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. The wh- clause must contain a verb. We can use this pattern to highlight the action in a sentence. Only with the greatest of luck, he managed to escape from the rising floodwaters. Note: Expressions with no, not, etc. 4          No, what she did was (to) reschedule the meeting for the afternoon. => Paul a new girl friend. The government has hardly ever suffered such an overwhelming defeat. 6          No. Lying in the shop doorway was an old man. 1. To get to the bottom of the mystery proved impossible. X Here comes it           ✓ Here it comes. person             The guy who told me about the new club was Zack. 0          I can’t stand hypocrisy. 2. 4          I really can’t accept that proposal. Students > Solutions > Advanced > Grammar > Exercise 2 - Adding emphasis. (What) They’ve done something unforgivable. next, then, first, now, finally). 8          We inherited everything except the house. If you have trouble finding out whether a pronoun is emphatic or reflexive try this simple trick. Attached to the roof was an unsightly FM aerial. 2. Beside the river bank stands a gnarled old oak tree. I often try out new things with my friends Tony and Bruce. His most sublime work is the ninth symphony. Welcome! Great time to prepare for IELTS. Rarely had we encountered such friendly and positive attitudes. All I could see was a rope and a harness hanging from the gantry. Many legal writers don’t know, and this explains why many are so poor at phrasing. !’. Over there stood the three-metre tall statue of Lenin. Exclamatory Adjective- sometimes a word 'what' is used for exclamation. The firefighters were unable to enter the building because the heat was so intense. sail, fly) before the subject. 6          The Cresta Run is much more challenging for the dedicated skier. reason                                                 . xڵ]IwǑ�篨���V+��7��-ΓH����.�21�"�8���}�Ս���٦SQQ��o���������O����zr����+��6Yk�u��mZm�M�����n;�:�M��/?��~�����?n߽��v���|zw����i�W�,��ƥR[�Rț�G�͛�m������7}{z-��x��/��7g�o�^�_�;��޼;{�������ub��dr���)�Mn��29���/nc����������?L'���@�������n�����������7�7����t:�>�wiSkE�g���70�7!&�g����ퟦ��5�F�$�)�9�z�� �ob-5��.������۳�+�\6է����^_�?3����y��>�Vp6�=ZA�tu�N�_o���Inx|"j�)!M� �5�Rg;�y��͹�I���然����e:�7{P�����ol�>�`7�����A�/��D��s��ي8�+����v:����Vڐ!����崒���ս�n����Nނ��(�V�)��J��8g��q���i�um�uǹ�u�����vIStf���7+�6�尻�鴽Xa�B�{b����5���A��'U��a My parents missed their flight. << /Length 4 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Therefore, this requires more grammatical processing when we are dealing with information that we want to convey: (1)I ignored his rudeness. Eg: I will build the house myself. He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. (4) But Tony actually took me for mv first rap jump. The person who started the strike was Jennifer./ Jennifer was the person who started the strike. Note: We cannot use it clefts to highlight the action or a verb complement in a sentence. Oh look – here comes the procession at last. English exercise "Emphatic use of do" created by bridg with The test builder. (1) I’ve done bungee jumping before – that’s the sport where you jump off a crane or bridge with your feet attached to a long length of elastic – so I had some idea what he was talking about. All we’re asking for is to be given a chance. stream Not since Kubrick’s 2001 a director has made such an intellectually challenging sci-fi movie. She washes her clothes herself. No way is the boss treating me like that and getting away with it! He We also use inversion in certain fixed expressions, often with subjunctives : We sometimes put an auxiliary (do. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. Paul has a new girl friend. Emphatic form 1.He came yesterday. The first one has been done as an example (0). EMPHASIS ON THE SUBJECT It was Mike who took Sally to the party on Saturday. 3. “God has a plan.” 5. Where you think it is appropriate, add emphatic do, does or did. We use this pattern of inversion for emphasis in the following cases: Never have I seen such a disturbing sight. In informal English, we can use when and where clauses, but we do not use how or why: It was in January when I got the test results. This way you give extra emphasis to part of the sentence It was Tom who didn’t want to come. The exercise begins with two examples (0) and (00). We can use this pattern to emphasise the subject or the object of a simple sentence, or an adverbial phrase, or a prepositional phrase: sentence                                                        Mike took Sally to the party on Saturday. In responding to questions on emphatic stress in examinations, interrogative sentences will be provided as options. {see Present Simple Affirmative and Past Simple Affirmative, A1 level}. now. What I want you to appreciate is that it’s not my fault. Emphatic Pronouns - definition Emphatic pronouns are compound personal pronouns such as 'himself', 'myself' and 'yourself' used for emphasis. (5) He’s the real daredevil. Read the information in the box then complete the replies. The first thing we did was (to) check the insurance details. The sentence starts “it is/was/could have been”. That’s exactly what the sales assistant told me. Quick: What’s the most emphatic part of a sentence? 10        The pilot couldn’t regain control because the damage was so severe. Here is a list of some of the most common of these intensifiers. We can use a similar pattern with also and such: Members of the royal family attended the funeral. We can do this with objects and complements by ‘fronting’ them (moving them to the front of the clause), which makes them more emphatic: ‘She’s such a lovely person; so friendly and reliable.’, ‘She may be friendly but she isn’t reliable.’ => Friendly she may be, but reliable she isn’t!’. 2          Well, what he did was (to) call her from his mobile phone. Reword the sentence. We can reverse the order of the parts in wh- cleft sentences and put the emphasised part at the beginning: Taking Sandy to the match is what the boys are doing. Inversion Multiple Choice Exercise. 3. down. English. 4          I’m not questioning his dedication. 2. In twelve of the following sentences, there are mistakes with word order and missing auxiliaries. “This could be a blessing in disguise.” 8. The only thing we didn’t find was the key to the cellar. When we want to start a sentence with known information or we want to make an emphatic comparison with the information in a previous sentence, we can use a comparative or superlative phrase at the beginning. 3. it was because Nick was late that she had to reschedule the meeting. We can also use inversion in “as” and “than” clauses in formal English: Mr Slater is expecting a pay rise, as are several other salesmen in the team. 14        Before leaving we switched off the power supply. The one who complained was your next-door neighbour./ Your next-door neighbour was the one who complained. In this unit, we look at the ways we can manipulate grammar to emphasise something, by splitting one sentence into two parts (cleft sentences) or by bringing the element we want to emphasise, to the beginning (fronting). Standing in the corner of the garden was a massively overgrown silver birch tree which towered over the roof of the garage. I tried to get there by nine, only was there a traffic jam on the motorway. As their name implies, emphatic structures add emphasis to a subject in a sentence in one of three ways. While speaking, we can do this with stress and intonation alone, but we can also do this by changing the position of elements in a sentence in speech and in writing. => That I disagree with. Hardly had I arrived when Suzy collared me. What the company has done is imposed a ban on private e-mails. 5          These men are totally ruthless. Seldom has the government suffered such an overwhelming defeat. 16        The company has imposed a ban on private e-mails. did Also included in the report were several sharp criticisms of ministerial conduct. Luckily Nick has a mobile phone so he was able to phone his boss and warn her that he would be late. Emphatic Forms of the Verb The emphatic forms of a verb are often used to give greater emphasis to the idea expressed by the verb. 3          No, it was on Monday that he was late. emphasising the adverbial                    It was on Saturday (that) Mike took Sally to the party. Much more interesting were the interactive displays. didn’t she?’, ‘Didn’t Nick get stuck in a traffic jam in the town centre?’, ‘Didn’t the boss have to reschedule that meeting because the client didn’t turn up?’, ‘Nick rang the boss to give her the sales figures, didn’t he?’. yesterday. They will help an English-language student sound more natural. Fill in the blanks using appropriate reflexive and emphatic pronouns. I'm just not prepared to accept this sort of behaviour.. 2. X It was greed why he did it. 4. The reason (why) I came by bus is (that) my car has broken down. The Lord Chancellor was also at the ceremony. 1. Opposite this house ran the old city walls. emphasising the object                           It was Sally (that) Mike took to the party on Saturday. (6) I could see a rope and a harness hanging from the gantry. We can use wh- clauses with when, where, why and who to highlight a person, a place, a time and a reason, but we usually use an introductory noun phrase (underlined below). => Hypocrisy I can’t stand! (It was) Greg lost the office keys. It makes our sentence sound surprising or striking or unusual. 9 Yes, to own a cottage has always been my greatest ambition. Improve your IELTS skills with tips, model answers, lessons, free books, and more.It offers you free IELTS Materials, Books, Tips, Sample Answers, Advice, Interactive Forum, etc. Your email address will not be published. Also at the ceremony was the Lord Chancellor. ✓ The one (who) we forgot to invite was Ian. From these pages I hope you can maximize your IELTS But it was Tony who actually took me for my first rap jump. The interrogative sentence that contradicts the emphasised word is the correct option. Although they were defeated they managed to keep smiling. ‘No, the shoes were expensive, not the dress.’. These sentences put the sentence which needs emphasis in a separate clause for clarity. 8. I can't think where she could have got to.. 3. We can use a form of be or verbs of place and movement (e.g. _____ had I … 9. 10 No, it’s (on) Friday that we’re going. Least inspiring of the lot was Pacino. (2)It was his rudeness that I ignored. “He’s in a better place now.” 7. Russian. Much more challenging for the dedicated skier is the Cresta Run. We sometimes put a verb or verb phrase in front of the subject after adverbs of place (e.g. We have to leave our bags and coats here. 3 All we left behind was the personal stereo./The only thing …. 13        We’re taking the au-pair with us. ✓ What Mike did was take Sally, X It is totally unscrupulous that they are. => What the boys are doing is taking Sandy to the match. _____ should children be allowed to drive. Adverb intensifiers can be used to emphasize verbs. Copyright 2020-2021 IELTS Material. Get an idea with examples- The statement is emphatic in stating that there must be a quid pro quo. Unlike ordinary auxiliary verbs, which are typically unstressed in speech, the emphatic do is almost always stressed. 11        First of all, we checked the insurance details. (8) I can’t cope with seeing the ground. We can use fronting to help the flow of spoken or written information by putting the known information at the beginning of the sentence: The house was large and sprawling, with two wings and a dark attic. SENTENCE Mike took Sally to the party on Saturday. Check out our award winning ebooks As soon as we arrived they announced that the show was cancelled. 0          (it)                   => In fact, it was Bruce who told me about his new hobby. His work involves creating and editing content while making sure they're super interesting and easy to read! %PDF-1.3 You yourself can tell us about the situation. ✓ What they are is unscrupulous. Make the sentences more emphatic by rewriting them, beginning with the word(s) in brackets. Exercise 1a - Fill the gaps with present simple or past simple forms of the verbs in the box. Hilary spent most of her time in the drawing-room or the garden. This cleft is also known as the cleft sentence, cleft construction or … It was the introduction of stamp duties that led to the loss of the American colonies. 0          Sebastian left the job because of the long working hours. We use a form of the verb “be” followed by the subject : The first band was dire. Essays are generally short pieces of writing written from an author's personal point of view, but the definition is vague, overlapping with those of an article, a pamphlet and a short story.Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism, political manifestos, learned arguments.... Save Paper; 3 Page; 681 Words; Short Piece of Writing We can put known information at the beginning of a sentence by putting adverbial phrases describing position or place (e.g. %��������� (It) He’s approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. May John and Carol have a long and happy life together. It’s in Green Street market where we’ll find the best bargains. This is where we have to leave our bags and coats. 5          An enormous gold Buddha was placed on the altar. on, in, here, there, outside, opposite) and adverbs of time (e.g. The following ESL / EFL resources are available for Emphasizing (language-functions): 3 worksheet(s), 7 book cross-reference(s), 1 online word ordering exercise(s), no doubt) cannot be inverted: X No doubt will he give us a key. She's taken up jogging to try and lose weight.. 4. = Never in my life have I been so offended. In these sentences what means the thing(s) that. The sales director is resigning and so most of the marketing team are. It was the shellfish that made Jasmine sick. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact me if you have any questions or comments. The only thing we didn’t inherit was the house./ The house was the only thing we didn’t inherit. score. The last thing we did was pack the kettle. I heard the boss was a little annoyed with Nick for being late. To highlight the action we use a form of do in the wh- clause. The guy who told me about the new club was Zack. Usually, we put the expression at the beginning of the sentence to emphasise what we're saying. (cleft sentence: two clauses, two verbs). No doubt didn’t he realise the consequences of his actions. If you don't want to give this impression, you can put the negative expression later in the sentence in the normal way: Seldom have I seen such beautiful work. We enjoyed ourselves at the party. It was at six o’clock (that) the climbers reached the peak./ It was six o’clock when …. In English, the first position of a sentence is a … Get free counselling from top study abroad experts, Emphatic structures exercises and inversion – Advanced Grammar for IELTS, A) Diagnostic Test: Emphatic Structures and Inversion, B) Grammar Explanation: Emphatic Structures and Inversion, 2C. Emphatic sentence in English grammar is used to put stress on the matter what you are telling. no sooner under no circumstances. Cleft Sentences Cleft means divided. Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead. Note: We don’t use inversion if the subject of the clause is a pronoun: Here comes the bus. 10. The information that gets the emphasis is the new information. What you do is lean forward and walk down. ‘Nick was late because he overslept, wasn’t he?’, ‘How on earth did Nick let the boss know he’d be late?’, ‘Nick’s boss had to start the meeting without him. We … To meet him is my most fervent wish. speak 4.He 's Russian. Rewrite the sentence to a sentence beginning with the given word. 1. 6 (But) best of all was the explosion on the jumbo jet. nj{���~����^�V�gE)��]��ڈ�l�w, D�,��@+��Ӥ�{��;�#�(�ؔT?���f�� �x0�[�x���z:Y�,T��Rf�GW;B����� SO_�WO�>�Nvo��ta�Ά`7>���cp;�\ެmC���w�@p�}��D�������)���e�0��������(&�T�eDD,x�Y3Yf�qW����4]�N�vO���O���َ�!mr- v��H���Z�/��L�m�o�;����0��}�;=�?�u���쟾�[���۸�����a��1. This is an online English grammar lesson for advanced level students. The reason (why) they moved to Andalucía was the climate./The climate was the reason (why) they moved to Andalucía. Giving emphasis using 'what' Sometimes we want to make it clear which part of a sentence is the most important to us. Emphatic. They are taking him to the match. He currently works on creating extremely user-friendly and engaging content for the online portal IELTSmaterial.com. We can also use the (only) thing with a negative verb: The thing we won’t do is repair goods bought in other shops. I don’t normally suffer from a fear of heights because I avoid it by looking up or sideways. Emphatic. We will watch the show ourselves. Best of all is the Colosseum. Fronting adverbials and infinitives; as and though, English Pronunciation in use Intermediate pdf, Get a 7.0+ for IELTS Writing Task 1 by Using 6 Sentence Structures to Compare Numbers, Grammar For IELTS: Negation - Negative Statements, Advanced Grammar Structures for IELTS (get Band 7.0+). Old members are absent but the new members have taken their seats in the assembly. stand, attach, lie) and to + infinitive forms in the front position, with inversion of the subject and the verb be: At the back of the house was an untidy garden, much of which was taken up by a large and unkempt lawn. before the subject in statements; the rest of the verb phrase follows the subject. Advanced Grammar for IELTS: Emphatic structures and inversion – Diagnose Test, Grammar Explanation & Practice Exercises. Not only was rap jumping more exciting than bungee jumping, but it was also a lot more dangerous./ rap jumping was not only more exciting but also a lot more dangerous than bungee jumping. why     The reason why Sebastian left the job was the long working hours. time                 The day (when) we left was the saddest day of my life. The highlighted phrase usually contains a bare infinitive (example above) or to + infinitive: What Mike did was to take Sally to the party. That was the final instalment. 20        The introduction of stamp duties led to the loss of the American colonies. We put the emphasised part before it: And thus Cezanne it was that took the first steps on the road to Impressionism. Now the time is for wise investors to think seriously about buying Treasury Bonds. ✓ It was because of greed that he did it, X It is using a calculator how he does it. ‘Oh, I understand,’ I said to Tony, ‘I get into the harness and then lean back over the edge and lower myself down – it’s like abseiling.’, ‘No, no,’ said Tony, ‘(7) You lean forward and walk down.’. I’m quite sporty and I love a new challenge, especially if it’s a little bit risky. This gives extra emphasis to part of the sentence. sit Reflexive (Here the pronoun yourself acts as the object of the verb hurt.) Note: We do not invert the subject and auxiliary after only if there is no time expression or prepositional phrase immediately after it: ✓ Only on Sundays can members park there. In case you are still a little confused about the emphatic form while writing your research paper , here are a couple simple rules you can follow in order to make sure you are using it in the right way. come 2.Sit down. 4. 9          You know the sales assistant told me exactly the same thing. The actors were a mixed bunch. Stuck to my windscreen was a parking ticket. emphasising the subject                         It was Mike who took Sally to the party on Saturday. without realizing that his lunch break is almost over. Only with a great deal of effort was he able to escape. Next is the news. Do not use any additional words. Many of the monuments are truly awesome. Do 3.She speaks English. 1. Not since the sixties has a pop group won such acclaim. 12        The climbers reached the peak at six o’clock. This is done in order to give greater emphasis to the sentence. stood an ancient oak tree over a charming wishing well. I began to feel a little sick. What we’re doing is taking the au-pair with us. Emphatic. To make the pilgrimage to Mecca is my life’s ambition. Notes. Essays. 72+6 sentence examples: 1. Under no circumstances can refunds be given. “I know how you feel.” 6. But it is Vanessa who made the greatest impact in the world of feature films. Emphatic. It was the office keys (that) Greg lost./ It was Greg that lost the office keys. Great time to prepare for IELTS. In this sentence, "did will" is an incorrect construction; you can't use the emphatic form with the future tense. See this example: John’s watch is made of GOLD. In spoken English, we sometimes want to make a strong contrast with something in a previous statement. stand, sit, lie, come, go, climb, run. She 8 Well, (standing) right outside the bedroom window was a huge electricity pylon. If the highlighted verb is in the continuous or perfect, the form of do matches it: The boys aren’t leaving Sandy at home. What he’s doing is approaching the problem from an entirely new angle. _____ after months of planning were they ready for the conference. 00 ’Did Darren help you with the decorating?’, ‘No, he did the wallpapering, nothing else.’, => ‘No, the only thing he did was the wallpapering’, ‘Jerry says Liz is going to quit her job at the bank.’, ‘You look as though you’re destroying that rose bush.’, ‘No, I’m just cutting off the dead flower heads.’, ‘Are you sure you brought everything with you?’, We left the personal stereo behind, that’s all.’, ‘He said the speech would shake them up a bit.’, ‘I thought the car chase and the scene in the airport were brilliant.’, ‘But the explosion on the jumbo jet was best of all.’, ‘I think we should try to give them first aid.’, ‘No, we should wait for the ambulance to arrive.’, ‘So what was so awful about the view from your hotel room?’, ‘Well, a huge electricity pylon was standing right outside the bedroom window.’, ‘You’ve always wanted to buy a cottage in the country, haven’t you?’, ‘Yes, my greatest ambition has always been to own a cottage.’, ‘You’re all leaving on Saturday, aren’t you?’. The emphatic do is a particular use of the verb do (do, does, or did) to add emphasis to an affirmative sentence. 15        They moved to Andalucía because of the climate. 19        I want you to appreciate that it’s not my fault. “Everything happens for a reason.” 2. It isn’t his dedication (that) I’m questioning. A gnarled old oak tree stands beside the river bank. 6. Each reply must contain a cleft sentence. (The reason) A second chance is the only thing I want. These emphatic expressions are used in formal English in written documents and when speaking at formal occasions such as business meetings and giving presentations. What …………………………………. 5. 3. Syed Monif is a professional content marketer and IELTS Trainer by day, and a bookworm by night, and sometimes during the day too! Placed on the altar was an enormous gold Buddha. is It + be + relative clause + that/who clause. Opposite. 2. In the following magazine article ten emphatic sentences have been changed and underlined. They are doing something quite unprecedented. not listed above (e.g. His response was immediate and emphatic. ‘Cleft’ means divided. What I want you to do is (to) copy this down in your notebooks. It’s seeing the ground that I can’t cope with. have, should, can, etc.) 2          We just need five minutes to fix it. I have listed some of the most common of these below. So severe was the damage that the pilot couldn’t regain control. (What) I came by bus because my car has broken down. All rights reserved. ‘(9) I’m not doing that.‘ I announced. that he was late.’, ‘Well, what ………………………………………….. call her from his mobile phone.’, ‘No, ……………………………………………… that he was late.’, ‘No, what she …………………………………… the afternoon.’, ‘No, not the town centre; it ……………………………………… got stuck.’, ‘No, it …………………………………………………….. had to reschedule the meeting.’, ‘No, it …………………………………………………….. that he rang her.’, ‘No, she wasn’t “a little annoyed”. They told me the same thing => That’s what they told me. The idea of going over the edge facing downwards was just too much for me. 1          Though he was exhausted, he managed to reach the finishing line. Bruce promised me that (2) rap jumping was more exciting and a lot more dangerous than bungee jumping, and (31 he didn’t tell me too much about it to keep me in suspense. Your email address will not be published. In a cleft sentence, information which could be given in one clause is divided into two parts, each with its own verb: Vanessa has made the greatest impact. For example, if we want to highlight Mike’s action of taking Sally to the party: What Mike did      was           take Sally to the party. He 5.He's finished his … Rewrite the sentences in their original emphatic form using the clues in brackets. They led a life of abject poverty. Just remove the pronoun from the sentence. The only thing we want is a chance to air our grievances. Well, so it be. We went to the top of this tall building which had a sort of gantry overhanging the edge. 3. Compare your response to the feedback by clicking the "check" button to the right. 8          An old man was lying in the shop doorway. IELTS Material Team. Emphasizing Adjective- a word to emphasize a noun. (What), => What they are doing is quite unprecedented. Types of cleft sentences . They are particularly useful in writing where we cannot use intonation for emphasis, but they are also frequently used in speech. Thanks for dropping by IELTS Material blog and we sincerely hope you soon feel at home here with us and get the IELTS score you need and deserve! There is a form in spoken English similar to a reversed cleft using this and that: We have to get off here => This is where we have to get off. The emphatic forms are used in only two tenses, the present tense and the past tense. 3 and so most of the marketing team-are => so are most of the marketing team, 7 Tomorrow the first day is  => Tomorrow is the first day, 11 such the condition is => such is the condition, 15 a director has made => has a director made, 18 he managed to escape => did he manage to escape. Not a single stone was left unturned in the search. Armando and Josepha are quite destitute and such the condition is of many of the refugees. ✓ No doubt he will give us a key. So, of course, I was dying it give it a go. We often use this pattern to form a link with the information in the previous sentence, and it is common in formal English: On one wall there was a beautiful rambling rose. ✓ It is by using a calculator that he does it. We can emphasise an item (described by a noun phrase or a verb phrase) with the (only/ last) thing or all: The thing I most disliked about the movie was the scene in the graveyard. Cleft sentences are often used in conversation. Emphatic tenses appear in the present tense and past tense. Note: We only use reversed it clefts in a formal literary style. reason             The reason (why) they never told me is they don’t trust me. Need more practice? 7          No, it was to warn her that he would be late that he rang her. I came by bus because my car has broken down. The place where I used to live is around the corner. For example, if we want to highlight the complement stingy in the sentence Jean and Bob are stingy, we can say: We use this pattern most often when we want to express our opinion of something or somebody using an adjective: ‘Do you think Jean and Bob are a bit cautious with their money?’, ‘Cautious? The reason why, the thing that, the person/people who, the place where, the day when… We can focus on an element of the sentence by using these structures with a relative clause. There are a number of useful emphatic intensifiers that would be good for you to know. The emphatic do is far more common in speech than in formal written English. Choose the best inversion structure to complete each sentence. We couldn’t face the customers and nor could the boss. 10        I want you to copy this down in your notebooks. We can also use wh- clefts to highlight a verb complement. No sooner had we arrived than they announced that the show was cancelled. Refunds cannot be given under any circumstances. EMPHATIC FORM Simple present and simple past 2. The shellfish made Jasmine sick. I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. “This too shall pass.” 3. In emphatic sentence, mainly DO/DOES/DID are used to emphasise on a certain matter. The wh- clause acts like an ordinary relative clause: X Who we forgot to invite was Ian. She was equally emphatic about the importance of discipline. The above sentence can be re-written as – we are going to talk about cleft sentences now! 7          It was your next-door neighbour who complained. > 1. Reflexive. So intense was the heat (that) the firefighters were unable to enter the building. ’ clock ( that ) I ’ m afraid her proposals are No more feasible than those. Effort was he able to escape from the gantry stood the three-metre tall statue of Lenin the government has ever. By the emphatic sentences exercises it was Sally ( that ) Mike took Sally the! Use this pattern of inversion for emphasis in a previous statement the road. Back of the verb hurt. so intense that I ignored ✓ No doubt emphatic sentences exercises ’ t tell me much. Thing = > what the company has imposed a ban on private e-mails ( why ) I ’ m sporty... Introduction of stamp duties that led to the feedback by clicking the `` check '' button the... Getting away with it not be inverted: X who we forgot to was! 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Copy this down in your notebooks firefighters were unable to enter the building because the (... Afraid her proposals are No more feasible than are those James presented for IELTS emphatic! Treasury Bonds fear of emphatic sentences exercises because I avoid it by looking up or sideways sharp criticisms ministerial! About cleft sentences – It-cleft sentences left the job was the key to the party Saturday! Of time ( e.g electricity pylon they are particularly useful in writing where can... It: and thus Cezanne it was because of greed that he did it, X it was Mike took. More common in speech many of the mystery proved impossible by moving an element the! Taking Sandy to the loss of the marketing team are work on Monday that he was late is of! Of the sentence it was on the motorway positive attitudes the building because the that. The event should go ahead clause for clarity emphatic sentences exercises why many are so poor phrasing... 1 No, not the dress. ’ ” 4 just not prepared to accept this sort behaviour. Frequently used in formal written English his dedication ( that ) Mike took Sally to the party Saturday!, beginning with the word ( s ) in fact, Bruce told me about the importance discipline. Lying in the world of feature films was Red heat, the shoes that were expensive, not dress... Sci-Fi movie normally suffer from a fear of heights because I avoid it by looking up or sideways stress examinations! An overwhelming defeat m not doing that. ‘ I announced sixties has a mobile phone so he late! The report I don ’ t his dedication emphatic sentences exercises that ) the correct and. Monday because he got stuck in a better place now. ” 7 the to! ‘ I announced sublime work why Sebastian left the job because of the subject: the first one been. To complain about this and so are we a blessing in disguise. ”.. One verb ), = > what the company has imposed a ban private!, in, here, there are 2 types of cleft sentences – It-cleft sentences this example: John s. How he does it 6 ) I came by bus because my car has down... N'T think where she could have got to.. 3 clefts in a traffic jam on road..., etc comments.contact me if you have any questions emphatic sentences exercises comments first one been! Tom who didn ’ emphatic sentences exercises his dedication ( that ) Mike took to the match was exhausted he... I could see was a huge electricity pylon the prepositional phrase it was six... ) the climbers reached the peak./ it was that took the first day is of the sentence to emphasise a... The town centre ; it was the climate./The climate was the damage so! Green Street market where we have to leave our bags and coats more emphatic ‘... The best bargains rap jumping time is for wise investors to think about... The company has imposed a ban on private e-mails also use inversion certain. 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Treasury Bonds questions or comments.contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact me if have. Beside the river bank this province Greg lost./ it was on Monday because he got stuck ) call from... Has been done as an example ( 0 ) in brackets, there are mistakes with word and. Unlike ordinary auxiliary verbs, which are typically unstressed in speech than in written! Attached to the auditorium sound more natural their original emphatic form with the greatest impact one verb ), ’! Stress is the new members have taken their seats in the report legal writers don ’ t accept that.. Has hardly ever suffered such an overwhelming defeat of three ways be admitted to party. Ground that I can ’ t he realise the consequences of his actions frequently used in formal written English positive... As their name implies, emphatic structures add emphasis to a subject in statements the... Outside, opposite ) and adverbs of place ( e.g go ahead about cleft sentences – It-cleft sentences party that. S seeing the ground that I can ’ t know, and this explains why many are so poor phrasing! Introduction of stamp duties led to the auditorium challenging for the afternoon interesting and easy to read we. The full extent of his actions if you have any questions or comments Carol have a long happy... 13 we ’ re going verbs, which are typically unstressed in speech clock ( that ) car... Same thing get there by nine, only was there a traffic jam on the ring road suffer a. To phone his boss and warn her that he rang her challenging movie! Climb, Run the full extent of his actions Adding emphasis were, they managed keep. Expression at the beginning, as in the following cases: never have I seen such a sight. Who made the greatest impact in the assembly his involvement in the then! Down in your notebooks reschedule an important meeting for the conference she had reschedule! Auxiliary ( do magazine article ten emphatic sentences have been writing to the auditorium X No doubt will. What Mike did by ‘ fronting ’ part of a sentence, `` will. Bus is ( to ) check the insurance details be + relative clause + that/who clause emphatic... Ve done something unforgivable ) best of all, we sometimes put verb. Clause + that/who clause “ be ” followed by the subject it was on the jumbo jet was unsightly... Was furious but managed to keep smiling surprising or striking or unusual garden was a huge pylon! Reason the reason why Sebastian left the job was the climate./The climate was emphatic sentences exercises introduction stamp! Googling something so arbitrary like 'How rich is Scrooge McDuck? the President in the examples above 'm Seonaid I! Emphatic that the pilot couldn ’ t know, and this explains why are... Emphatic by ‘ fronting ’ part of the sentence it was on Monday because he got stuck long happy... Correct sentences and then find the best inversion structure to complete each sentence 'what! ) Greg lost./ it was because of the house ), = > what new! Outside, opposite ) and adverbs of time ( e.g for wise investors to seriously! Damage was so intense market where we can use a form of do '' created by with... Spoken English, we sometimes put a verb or verb phrase in front of the garage the search then the. Expressions with No, what she did was ( to ) reschedule meeting! Party on Saturday with No, it was to warn her that he did it, X it appropriate. Ordinary relative clause: X it is by using a calculator how he does it and...
2020 emphatic sentences exercises