Findings – The research findings indicate that trust, communication, information systems, rewards and organization structure are positively related to knowledge sharing in organizations. In addition, one of the interviewees commented as follows: It is hard to say that there is a high level of trust in my workplace. colleagues, the majority (84 percent) agreed. Cultural factors and organizational alignment are critical to success (and avoiding failure) in mergers. Take a close look at what your employees have to say and what would benefit them through two crucial engagement strategies: surveys and focus groups. The F ratio results, were high ranging from 8.171 to 14.244 for trust, indicates that the variance explained by the model is significantly higher than. Originality/value The sig. exchange experience and share knowledge with their peers while working, only 6 percent. In sum, the main contribution of this study is, first it went into the "blind-box" organizational culture and employee performance and inspects whether self-efficacy mediates the relationship of the former variables. The organization's culture has been an important competitive advantage for the Company. Therefore, according to the results, the second hypothesis is also confirmed: This pattern can also be seen when exploring the mean for the rest of the factors. time to reflect the organization’s identity in two dimensions: This research focused on the role of certain factors in organizational culture in the success of, The study was conducted in three different phases: the first phase was concerned with, identifying the major aspects of knowledge sharing in organizations and the fundamental. Each of these categories includes factors that descend from it. The descriptives table of the ANOVA test revealed small standard deviation values ranging, from 0.505 for trust and 0.781 for information systems. While it is clear that social relationships can be highly rewarding, it is equally clear that social relationships or the lack thereof can be the source of much distress. A final confirmatory test was conducted by presenting. The organization culture brings all the employees on a common platform. These factors affected perceptions of what constituted optimal interpersonal and team behaviors in the OR. results are all 0.000, the probability of obtaining the F ratio by. Hence, the results of this question, Generally, employees in any organization tend to perceive rewards as measures for, knowledge sharing can be an internal characteristic related to one’s personality, it is not sufficient to rely on the good intentions of staff to spread their knowledge without, reinforcing such behaviors because unrewarded behaviors usually end up fading away due, The following statement by a participant further demonstrates the, [knowledge sharing] with the highest level of professionalism and I will insure that this, Furthermore, in order for rewards to be successful in motivating staff to share their, knowledge, these rewards must be properly designed to fit employees’ needs and, perceptions. The paper concludes with a discussion of the way in which changes in the pattern of consulting services has implications for the sort of knowledge that various consulting firms wish to codify, the dangers associated with codification and the means by which these can be managed. However, the disparity, between the responses may signify that staff in organizations could be experiencing some, form of conflict between freely expressing perceptions and being somewhat, Another plausible explanation could be that respondents perceive a distinction between, sharing general feelings and perceptions on work-related matters and sharing personal, information. abusive supervision, trust, learning orientation, co-worker support) under one framework to affect knowledge sharing. As depicted in Figure 1, the researchers chose the factors that. Thus, the. was rewarded, only 31 percent agreed. It has been considered to guide individual communications within an organization 29 and to be a critical antecedent factor for the success of knowledge management initiatives 30 ... Huang et al. Al-Alawi (2005), Knowledge management initiatives are weak in Bahraini organizations because they deployed, technology and ignored cultural and organizational development issues that are seminal to any. relationships between staff and in turn, providing possibilities to break obstacles to knowledge sharing. Develop critical success factors that have a large impact on an organization’s performance – By definition, Critical Success Factors (CSF’s) are the “most critical” factors for organizations or individuals. It helps to create organizational norms and values that focus on collaboration, respecting, and working with people from all cultures, keeping criticism constructive, and sharing information. This implies that respondents’ knowledge sharing increases with the existence of reward, systems aligned with knowledge sharing. respondents’ opinions and perceptions regarding each of the studied cultural factors. Only 10 percent, Approximately 87 percent agreed that teamwork discussions and collaboration enhance. Consequently. 1. The organization’s culture sets the standard for how virtual team members work together. importance of such tools to the success of knowledge transfer. Flat structure is the best facility for knowledge sharing’’, Managers must not limit their attention to the above factors only. Such factors must be, strongly emphasized in organizational cultures. Even with sound project teams and plans in place, your organization's project success … This chapter reviews the trust literature to create an understanding of the different types and bases of trust. Bearing in mind that the majority of the respondents provided positive, answers to knowledge sharing questions, only 59 percent of them agreed they have not. The survey respondents suggested several, discussions occasionally. Much of the writing on Knowledge Management is related to developed countries. This interest is also evidenced by an emphasis upon learning and a growing appreciation of the value of human resources, as the creators of knowledge and the source of solutions. The results of the study were computed and analyzed, Sciences (SPSS) version 12. It covers a substantial body of literature suggesting that self-control operates on a limited resource, which becomes depleted with use. consultants, auditors, analysts and, others). T, existence of trust in order to respond openly and share their knowledge (Gruenfeld, conversations and the use of body language while communicating. This research aims at investigating the role of certain factors in organizational culture in the success of knowledge sharing. Visit to discover the latest news and updates, Answers to the most commonly asked questions here, (Department of Management Information Systems, University of Bahrain, College of Information Technology, Kingdom of Bahrain. With regards to information systems, the mean is 3.35 for the poor knowledge sharing. Comparing the direct-questions’ responses with the. Twenty-three related studies are chosen for meta-analysis. For each of the cultural factors, the mean scores for, the three knowledge sharing categories were compared to observe whether the pattern of, growth or decline in the means’ values, moving from the poor to the excellent knowledge. Knowledge must not be confused with data; data are raw facts, measurements and, statistics. Large values of standard deviation compared to the mean imply inaccurate representation. According to an interviewee: ‘‘Open disk policy is effective, in simplifying communication between staff, especially because generally people in, Bahrain don’t prefer to move a lot [between separate offices] while working.’, with expressing the importance of knowledge sharing for the success of the organization. of the data because the data points are distant from the mean and vice versa (Field, 2000). Secondly, this study provides an empirical support that self-efficacy has mediating effect. qualitative observations and longitudinal studies are highly recommended. Especially when you can turn your, head or stand up to see a colleague behind his disk to tell him about something instead of picking, up the phone trying to reach him or take the hassle to drop by at his office to tell him about, anything. The researchers intended to cover organizations from the public and, Kingdom of Bahrain. Moreover, knowledge is more complicated than information, information results, from organizing data into meaningful forms. Because industries and situations vary significantly, there is not a one-size-fits-all culture template that meets the needs of all organizations. Organizational culture includes norms regarding the free flow of information, shared leadership, and cross-boundary collaboration. Originality/value – Previous research indicated that the Bahraini society is influenced by traditions of household, tribe, and especially religion of the Arab and Islamic world. The results of this study have many implications for staff and managers. 22-42., Copyright © 2007, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. That is, generally when an average person trusts, his/her colleagues and feels free to express feelings and perceptions, this person, likely to express information relating to his/her life outside work. their colleagues, about 32 percent disagreed and 18 percent were neutral. This research is intended to contribute in helping businesses understand the essential role of organizational culture in nourishing knowledge and spreading it in order to become leaders in utilizing their know-how and enjoying prosperity thereafter. Interpersonal trust or trust between co-workers is an extremely essential attribute in, . Dr Al-Alawi also played a key role in the, migration of this department from the College of Business to the College of Information, chairman of Office Management Department in the College of Business. Thirdly, it also provides the evidence of relationship at least partially, between organizational Examining Mediating Impact of Self-Efficacy between Organizational Culture and Employee Performance: Empirical Findings from Banking Industry of Pakistan 1512 cultures and self-efficacy which has yet not been reported so far especially in particular to bureaucratic, supportive and innovative culture. The following is. These studies analyze only a specific knowledge management process such as knowledge sharing (Al. Kharabshesh (2008) Enabling factors of knowledge sharing Some factors identified as being influential in a knowledge sharing culture include trust, demographics, positive orientation, and reward 4. sharing category (1.43) while the highest mean corresponds to the excellent group (2.66). First, readers are provided with a thorough examination of previous research on project learning, which is presented in structured and comprehensible format. the organizational culture or due to other causes. arrive at effective recommendations to solve this problem. A study on Learning in Project Based Organisations. That is, if, someone is objective and acknowledges that knowledge sharing is fundamental to the success, of the business, this person will continue to share his/her knowledge even with the absence of. Perhaps the best way to enhance communication is, through emphasizing open-disk design in the workplace. KNOWLEDGE FACTORS OF KNOWLEDGE-SHARING INTENTION AND BEHAVIOR ... and Yasmeen Fraidoon Mohammed. Examples to such check points can be seen in Table I. encourage concentration and care while answering. to draw valid conclusions on the whole population. chance. corresponding to one of the studied variables. Once, created, knowledge cannot be imitated or substituted, which makes it a. resource to all businesses (Cabrera and Cabrera, 2002). For each variable, indicators of existence in the work environment, which were extracted from the literature, will serve as the base for measuring its existence, For the purpose of this research, the independent variables are the organizational culture, factors that influence the success of knowledge sharing. This situation often increases competition between. proper rewards, technology or the other factors and vice versa. Almost 90 percent. This is, because the type of knowledge desired to be shared between staff is work-related. The right culture, incentives, and so on must therefore be present. In order to enhance the validity and reliability of the research, two different research methods, were used to collect data. Within the practitioner literature, trust has often been noted as a key component for the success of knowledge management practices; however, trust is a very complex construct that has many different facets and definitions. This study is significant, as studies have not been conducted on assessing the KS concept through meta-analysis method in Iranian non-academic organizations. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa kemampuan inovasi UKM di industri kreatif tidak secara langsung dipengaruhi oleh kesesuaian karyawan dengan pekerjaanya (person-job fit) dan organisasinya (person organization fit). Namun, membangun kepercayaan bukanlah hal yang sederhana, diasumsikan bahwa person job fit dan person organization fit dapat berguna untuk membangun kepercayaan dalam organisasi. Therefore, it is possible to rely. The employees in their own way contribute to the culture of the workplace. They further argued that these factors are major source of innovation processes in the organization. She, number of social and volunteer events and conferences, among which are The Regional. management of the importance of spreading knowledge. According to Davenport et al. Research limitations/implications Knowledge transfer requires that an individual or a group cooperate with others to share, knowledge and achieve mutual benefits (Syed-Ikhsan and Rowland, 2004). As a result, we’ve been able to reduce change management to six critical factors that are key to enabling a successful change effort. These factors define people's beliefs and behaviours, and thus exercise strong influence in the performance of business organizations. respondents agreed, 10 percent disagreed and about 12 percent were neutral. The humility construct is used in this research as a new independent variable. As explained in the methods and discussion sections, the language, barrier in such organizations could be overcome through presenting a translated version, constraint. We define self-control as the capacity to alter one's responses; it is what enables people to forego the allure of short-term pleasures to institute responses that bring long-term rewards. The visible dimension of, culture is reflected in the espoused values, philosophy and mission of the firm while the, invisible dimension lies in the unspoken set of values that guide employees’ actions and. Also, it is important to recognize the uniqueness of every organization’s culture in removing, obstacles to knowledge sharing. Proceedings of the 37th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, The International Review of Economics and Business. groupware, e-mail, intranet), When participants were asked if they felt comfor, nearly 81 percent agreed, close to 7 percent disagreed and about 12 percent were, reward employees who share their experience with colleagues. and perceptions with their coworkers, 7 percent disagreed and about 9 percent abstained. Moreover, organizational culture has been found to have a significant effect on the implementation of technology ( McDermott and Stock, 1999 ; Lewis and Boyer, 2002 ) and total quality management (TQM) practices ( Beer, 2003 ; Detert et … The Analysis of Variance (ANOV, Griffen, 2002; Sayed-Ikhsan and Rowland, 2004), (one-way ANOVA) test was used to compare the means of the five factors between. One of the core functions of selfcontrol may be to facilitate culture, which often requires that people curtail selfishness for the sake of effective group functioning. be based on group rather than individual performance (Goh, 2002). The Practice and Challenges of Knowledge Management In Financial Sectors in Bahrain, Organizational development in the Arab world. Southwest Airlines Co.’s organizational culture highlights the significance of its workforce as a major factor in long-term success. Dr Al-Alawi’s research has been published in, national, and international conferences. Examine these big-picture factors to see if your organization's culture or structure is interfering. An exception would be the reward, system, for which the standard deviation reached 1.3. Therefore, one can imply that all of these, factors are directly proportional to knowledge sharing in the sense that when each. This is because I lost my confidence in people, around me when I knew they tend to misuse the information before it reaches the intended, The above response clearly indicates that after being harmed as a result of sharing, knowledge, this respondent lost trust in his/her coworkers, which reflected negatively on, Further, the overall positive results of knowledge sharing were not disturbed by the fact that a, large portion of the respondents (71 percent) believed that others will not hesitate to take. This paper evaluates several trust levels for IS personnel. handling sensitive tasks that require confidentiality. In the rest of this section I will discuss the concepts of knowledge sharing according to the different types of knowledge. Purpose – This research aims at investigating the role of certain factors in organizational culture in the success of knowledge sharing. Design/methodology/approach – The conclusions of this study are based on interpreting the results of a survey and a number of interviews with staff from various organizations in Bahrain from the public and private sectors. Please refer, respective organizations. Therefore, the fourth hypothesis is confir. Dalam literatur manajemen pengetahuan, knowledge sharing adalah upaya penting untuk mengembangkan kemampuan inovasi. Conversely, another participant explained: Financial rewards are more effective as they impact one’. The fact that 78 percent of the participants agreed that their respective, The most important characteristics of knowledge are, The cultural factors (independent variables) were carefully chosen after, The probability of sampling bias in spite of the standard error results, as, Neglecting the impact of subcultures, which means that, by coincidence, the, The interference of such factors as the reactivity or the Howthorne effect; when, Reinforcing trust between coworkers through arranging social events and outdoor, Improving office design in some organizations to allow for higher interaction and, Practicing job rotation to facilitate knowledge transfer and movement throughout the, Accomplishing a strong relationship between top management and employees along, Providing sufficient information systems to share knowledge in order to facilitate, Providing effective rewards to reinforce knowledge sharing behaviors bearing in mind the, Increasing the level of participation in decision making, Incorporating qualitative research methods to a deeper extent; methods such as, Addressing a more representative sample; further research must, Each organization has its unique culture, which develops over, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Working Knowledge: How organizations Manage What They Know, Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows, The Knowledge Creating Company: How the Japanese Companies. According to one of the participants: Although organizational culture is very important to encourage smooth knowledge transfer, it, [knowledge sharing] ultimately depends on employees’ personalities and their ethics. The exchange of information among organizational employees is a vital component of the knowledge-management process. with sharing knowledge and knowledge sharing in organizations. Dr Al-Alawi founded the Management Information, Systems Department in University of Bahrain, where he played a leading role in the, establishment of the information systems curriculum for this department in both College of, where the department was formerly located. are relatively small ranging from 0.034 for trust and 0.089 for the reward system. She is currently working as a researcher in the field of, Information Systems. This book combines a literature study and the results of a longitudinal case study from the oil and gas sector – the Ivar Aasen project – to explore the notion of learning in project-based organizations. There are several factors which affect the organization culture: The first and the foremost factor affecting culture is the individual working with the organization. This, organization hires many expatriates, who have a very low level of trust in citizens. During the second phase, the researchers used the knowledge extracted from the literature, to formulate the research instruments: surveys and semi-structured interviews. category, 4.01 for the good category and 4.12 for the excellent category. Organizational culture and knowledge sharing: Empirical evidence from service organizations She was awarded as one of the best ten, readers among public school students in 1998. As highlighted in the findings section, the mean scores for trust, communication, information, systems, rewards and organization structure exhibited an increase as respondents’, assessment for knowledge sharing improved. Knowledge embedded in the organization`s business processes and the employee`s skills provides the firm with unique capabilities to deliver customers with a product or service. An adaptive, technologically advanced, and nonhierarchical organization is more likely to succ… wouldn’t share the knowledge they have mainly from fear of losing their positions to Bahrainis. members are willing to share their knowledge freely, and exchange (e.g. As a result, they. to be recognized and appreciated by others, our pay check is what we ultimately seek. complicated layers and lines of responsibility with certain details of information reporting, structures in slowing the processes and raising constraints on information flow. Some of its roots extend back for millennia, both in the West and the East, while others, particularly those associated with Cognitive and Information sciences, are quite recent. Accor, knowledge sharing. relationship that proved to exist between knowledge sharing and trust, communication, information systems, reward system and organization structure indicates the importance of, such factors as prerequisites for the success of knowledge sharing. Why do people engage in such personally, interpersonally, and socially destructive behaviors? Methods: Nearly 31 percent of the respondents agreed that their organizations, . ethics and loyalty, which may impact knowledge sharing. Trust is a central component in most relationships and a vital component in business transactions. Even though this paper’s focus was on Bahraini organizations, the results could be easily, generalized to other Gulf States (Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates and. Nearly 84 percent of the respondents agreed that they normally share their feelings, Techniques that emphasize knowledge sharing in organizations, Respondents’ evaluation for the level of knowledge sharing in their organizations, . He is also one of the, founders and board members for Bahrain Information Technology Society (BITS); Bahrain, Academic Society and Information Systems Audit & Control Society and is considered as an, MIS Authority in the Kingdom of Bahrain. That is, more, than 50 percent of the participant organizations were from the private sector, organizations are known to be modernized and are characterized by flexible. The Practice and Challenges of Knowledge Management In Financial Sectors in Bahrain Incorporate KM as Part of Human Capital Strategy, Succession Planning, Workforce Development, … It increases slightly to reach 3.52 for the good, category and it equals 3.91 for those who believed, was excellent. 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organizational culture and knowledge sharing: critical success factors

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