Like any other shrubs, pruning this bush is essential to enhance its appearance as well as to remove dead and diseased branches. There are two types of butterfly bushes: Buddleia davidii and Buddleia alternifolia. There are about 100 species of this genus, which are adapted to various environmental conditions. May 10, 2020 - Explore Ppsl's board "Pruning butterfly bush" on Pinterest. If it does not thrive, try relocating it into more sunshine. Water your butterfly bush deeply once each week during the spring and summer whenever rainfall is less than 1 inch. In fact, butterfly bush pruning can take place just about any time of the year. Plants pruned this way start to as flower at the same time as plants pruned once in spring, but carry on for a week or so longer. QUESTION: I planted two butterfly bushes last spring. Keep in mind the butterflies prized for … Regarding your butterfly bush (Buddlia), you are safe to prune it at either time as long as it is late winter moving into early spring. They're easy to care for and only require dead-heading and some annual pruning. Butterfly bush growth appears on new wood, so pruning can wait until the new wood is ready to grow in spring. Should I cut them back this fall or wait until next spring? Yes, the pruned Butterfly Bush will look like a stag's antlers - but not for long. While the flowering period for ornamental shrubs is at a near end or has already ended, this beautiful and heavy-growth blossom grove is riddled with panicles. Hard pruning can promote the production of larger blossoms and new arching branches. In cold climates, treat as perennials, cutting back close to the ground in late winter or early spring. Understand how to prune butterfly bushes through these tips. Some basic tips for clipping butterfly bushes are as follows. While it has been said that improper pruning practices result in weakened or damaged plants, this is not the case with the butterfly bush. Butterfly Bush do not require pruning, however respond well to and benefit from it. Buddleia (Buddleia davidii), also known as butterfly bush, is a shrub with multiple shoots that tends to grow and flower fast.The buddleia is a favorite of gardeners, due to its fragrant scent and its attractiveness to pollinators. Though pruning can be done throughout the year, the best time is during cold months (for any zone), when the plants are in their dormant state. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool →, colorful butterfly on a butterfly bush image by Scott Slattery from, National Gardening Association: Plant Care Guides - Butterfly Bush. Sarah Terry brings over 10 years of experience writing novels, business-to-business newsletters and a plethora of how-to articles. The butterfly bush produces fragrant, showy flowers that can be blue, red, pink, yellow or white, depending on the shrub variety. The plant blooms in dense panicle inflorescence (about 10 - 45 cm long), in which the flowers are tubular with four spreading petals. Butterfly bush, belonging to the genus Buddleia and family Scrophulariaceae, is a type of flowering plant, which is native to southern United States and Asia. Because of this, they usually require no more than removing the dead canes in early spring before they leaf out. As the very name suggests, a butterfly bush is highly attractive to butterflies, honeybees, and other beneficial pollinating insects. However, the butterfly bush can also be pruned in the spring with no ill effects. A butterfly bush may be pruned back to a height of about four feet before winter sets in or it may be cut back completely. Leave the bare stems through winter if you can, letting birds enjoy landing on them near your winter bird feeder. It is often planted in the borders of flower beds or as protective hedges. Butterfly bush tree, Buddleia – Planting, Care and Pruning. Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. Butterfly Bush – Pruning, Winter Care and Fertilizing. Quick video about pruning Buddleja. Pruning Fall is not the time to prune butterfly bushes. pruning the Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) Buddleia davidii is one of the most widely grown shrubs in UK gardens. See more ideas about Butterfly bush, Pruning butterfly bush, Planting flowers. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! This butterfly bush is classified as an invasive plant is some parts of the United States. That’s it. Choose a planting site for your butterfly bush that’s in full sunlight and has moist but well-draining soil. The reason being, the stems are hollow and any water that accumulates in the stem and subsequently freezes will cause the wood to split. Q How do I prune buddleia (butterfly bush)? If a severe winter is on the way this practice could be detrimental to your plant. Pruning Buddleia in Summer will be of benefit to the plant, not having to produce seeds on the old flowers and it will certainly extend the flowering season well into summer. Generally, most butterfly bush pruning should take place during the winter months, in warmer climates, while the plant is dormant. Deadhead the faded blooms from the bush once every week or two weeks to keep it blooming instead of producing seeds. Butterfly Bush. The fruit type is a capsule that contains many seeds. At times, you may observe attractive hummingbirds drawing nectar from the ravishing red flowers of a butterfly bush. Time to figure out what to prune next…. If you do not regularly practice pruning the bush will age rapidly, bloom less and grow sparse in its centre. Avoid removing new, healthy growth from the butterfly bush, because you'll also end up removing that year's flowers. Because I want my bush to be tall as a background bush, I will prune my center stalks to about 24 -36 inches to retain some height. Many butterfly bush varieties are grown in yards as showy ornamentals. Spread a 1-inch layer of organic compost on the ground around your butterfly bush once each year in spring. Gardening magazine trialled different pruning methods for buddleia, we found the following method produced the best results. Since most butterfly bush varieties can handle cold down to zone 5, they grow in plenty of climates with fall, winter, or spring freezes. All Rights Reserved. These lovely flower clusters attract butterflies more so than the flowers of most other landscape plants. Take off all of the dead flowers regularly, and some varieties of butterfly bush will flower until well into the autumn. For the other healthy branches, cut till they attain a height of 2 - 3 feet. Buddleia davidii is a deciduous shrub with dark purple flowers that blooms June through September. You can supplement the soil with organic fertilizers for better growth. The flowers of a butterfly bush are vibrant-colored and honey-scented, attracting butterflies and other pollinating insects. Prune the butterfly bush in preparation for winter. Choose a planting site for your butterfly bush that's in full sunlight and has moist but well-draining soil. When you're pruning the butterfly bush, always keep in mind that it blooms on new wood. The answer is…..ANYTIME! How to Plant Butterfly Bushes: Before planting a butterfly bush, please keep in mind that they are actually an invasive species and also do not KEEP butterflies there – they only feed male butterflies and do not help with butterfly reproduction. In order to keep your butterfly bush looking its best, regular pruning is a necessary task. When to prune butterfly bush: In mild climates, prune larger varieties in late fall or early spring to clean up and maintain shape. Read here to learn more. Just make … As the buddleia grows quickly, you will have to … Some hobbyists prefer to prune the butterfly bush during spring for better flowering. Avoid pruning though in early winter. It is suited for growing in any garden theme. Some of the species are dioecious (male and female reproductive organs in different plants) while some are monoecious (male and female reproductive organs in the same plant). Regarding the pruning time for this hardy shrub, the most common question is when to prune butterfly bush? In such a case, one should always maintain a specific height of the bushes (at least 3 feet). It will tolerate part-sun and bloom just fine, but the increasing shade will reduce flowering. Spread on top a 2- to 4-inch layer of bark mulch to help control weeds and preserve soil moisture. Experts say we can prune to about 12 inches tall to encourage lots of new shoots where the plant will flower. The flowers, which are the main attraction of this plant, grow mostly on new growths. For proper maintenance, mulching and pruning these bushes in spring time are necessary. Buddleia produces blooms from new growth, so pruning needs to be done before new growth appears in spring. When and How to Prune Butterfly Bushes Pruning Butterfly Bushes is easy. Taking the stems back to around a foot in length is recommended. That’s not a good thing. Cutting the stems back in fall can make the shrub more vulnerable to freeze damage. As soon as the winter period is over, butterfly bushes will grow rapidly. There’s also a bonus second flush of flower heads around 25cm long in late summer, when the … However, certain pruning techniques will help promote more vigorous growth and healthier blooms. Water your butterfly bush deeply once each week during the spring and summer whenever rainfall is less than 1 inch. That means in most growing zones, there is no need to prune your butterfly bush before winter. Spread on top a 2- to 4-inch layer of bark mulch to help control weeds and preserve soil moisture. When you’re pruning the butterfly bush, always keep in mind that it blooms on new wood. Here are guidelines on pruning butterfly bush, to help you in the job. Cut back the entire butterfly bush to about 4 feet tall each year in late fall. In our area, these shrubs are almost herbaceous, that is, after most winters they die to the ground. Hence, pruning to the ground is not necessary for proper recovery of the plants. Butterfly bush is a favorite ornamental plant for many gardening enthusiasts. There are two reasons for this. When and How Should I Prune My Butterfly Bush? Pruning these attractive plants becomes necessary for their maintenance. Dig a hole about twice the diameter of the root ball, and set your plant in … Rather, wait until late winter/early spring (March-April) to perform this task. Buddleia plants should be pruned twice a year: the first pruning is a hard-cutting in the spring, with a second pruning in the fall to cut away the spent flowers after the blooms fade away. This video shows you how to prune and when to do it. Regarding the pruning time for this hardy shrub, the most common question is when to prune butterfly bush? Butterfly bush tree, Buddleia – Planting, Care and Pruning . ANSWER: Fall pruning of buddleias or any other shrub is inadvisable. Deadheading. The butterfly bush is a large, arching and upright shrub that blooms profusely from midsummer through autumn. Hence, many gardeners consider the period of late winter or early spring as the ideal time for pruning a butterfly bush. Plant the butterfly bushes in spring or fall, spacing the bushes at least 5 feet apart. You should prune your butterfly bush when it needs to be pruned. Flower spikes form on new wood, so watch for new growth if pruning … Heavy mulching should be done to control weeds. Grab a pair of secateurs and remove the conical seed heads that have provided you with structure and interest throughout the winter. One reached five feet, the other four. The leaves are elongated and arranged in an opposite manner to the stem. Mountain Valley Growers: Butterfly Bushes. Ensure that you do not over trim the branches, as the plants will require a long time for resprouting. Pruning inhibits the natural hardening off of tissues and can increase the likelihood of winterkill. Pruning Butterfly Bushes. Secondly, Butterfly Bush likes a hard pruning. Early OCTOBER. Trim to shape the butterfly bush in early June if desired and cut away any branches that died during the winter. Plant the butterfly bushes in spring or fall, spacing the bushes at least 5 feet apart. Butterfly bush is a summer flowering shrub blooming best when located in full sun. Wait for the right time of year to prune. Spread a 1-inch layer of organic compost on the ground around your butterfly bush once each year in spring. Since these are hardy shrubs, they can tolerate frost and extreme cold conditions. For plantation, butterfly bush grows best in sunny areas and well-drained soil. Butterfly Bush. In order to prune a butterfly bush, you will require a sharp bypass pruning tool. Left unpruned Buddleia will quickly develop into a large shrub (3m/10ft) and can take over a smaller garden. Nov 15, 2014 - We all know the importance of pruning shrubs and trees. Because the butterfly bush is a hardy perennial it will come back … Remove branches as per your choice by using a sharp pruning shear to maintain a desired shape. Don’t let the calendar dictate when you need to prune. Soak the soil down to and around the butterfly bush’s root zone. In fact, pruning too late in fall could leave it more susceptible to damage. For pruning butterfly bushes in spring and summer months, you can cut off the branches that are growing out of control. Avoid removing new, healthy growth from the butterfly bush, because you’ll also end up removing that year’s flowers. Pruning a Butterfly Bush. Butterfly Bush Pruning FIRST: Prune your butterfly bush once a year in early spring, just as they begin to show signs of foliage regrowth. If the plant has died back to the ground, a clean cut about 2″ above ground line is best. Pruning butterfly bushes annually actually enhances the flower display. If your butterfly bush is getting scraggly or out of control, prune it- no matter what time of year it is. How to Plant Butterfly Bush Butterfly bushes, sometimes called summer lilacs, are recommended for USDA hardiness zones 5 to 10 and need full sun and fertile, well-drained soil. The butterfly bush will go dormant in winter in most planting zones. Pruning your butterfly bush is an absolute necessity if you want to encourage it to flower abundantly. Best to do in fall, about every 2 or 3 years to yield more flowers and a thicker shrub in the coming year. Deadhead the butterfly bush’s flowers to remove the spent blooms throughout its blooming season. Prune dwarf butterfly bushes in the early spring. Though pruning can be done. Depending upon the cultivator, the flower color may be white, pink, yellow, orange, red, or violet. Though they may be lightly trimmed in autumn to remove any flower heads (and along with them, any lurking seeds) and neaten them up a bit, spring is far preferable for pruning. Butterfly bush pruning is important, not just to maintain the shape of the bush. The butterfly bush is a large, arching and upright shrub that blooms profusely from midsummer through autumn. Like many other flowering shrubs, the butterfly bush must be pruned at the right time of the year to control it's shape and to encourage the most blooms. Pruning also avoids this fast growing bush from killing other plants, which grow in its vicinity. Within a few weeks it will start into grow the give you a nice arching shrub, that will soon grow to around 6ft - 1.8 metres in a matter of a couple of months, and have fresh foliage, and large flowers drooping the branches over to give a pleasing arching habit. Majority butterfly bush species exhibit a shrub habit (about 5 meters height), while few are trees (tallest being 30 meters long). Soak the soil down to and around the butterfly bush’s root zone. Pruning a butterfly bush could not be simpler. November is the best time to give the bush a final pruning in anticipation of its dormant phase. Prune back all old growth nearly to ground level once each year in early spring, before any new growth emerges. Wait to prune your butterfly bush until late winter or early spring. No, this has nothing to do with following a rock band around on their nationwide tour:-) Deadheading is a simple task which takes only a few minutes. A When Which? Those who live in the warmest zones can prune their butterfly bushes sooner if they prefer not to have the care stems in the landscape. You can cut the dead and dry stems at the base during the fall. Pruning . Doing so will help in easy recovery of the plants when the growing conditions are favorable. Its common name, the ‘Butterfly Bush’, refers to the insects that it attracts in profusion right through summer to autumn. The flowers of buddleia grow at the end of young shoots which are stimulated by pruning, actually helping the plant to rejuvenate. Terry has written articles and publications for a wide range of markets and subject matters, including Medicine & Health, Eli Financial, Dartnell Publications and Eli Journals. In simple terms, heavy pruning during spring may lead to late flowering of the butterfly bushes. Just make sure you don't undertake this task … Pruning Buddleia (Butterfly Bush): When doing your fall clean-up avoid pruning Butterfly Bush all the way back here in zone 7 where winter is approaching. If you have selected a large Butterfly Bush variety, hard pruning in late spring will help to ensure the shrub doesn't get out of control. Butterfly bushes are low-maintenance and most grow well in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 11, tolerating winter temperatures down to minus 15 degrees Fahrenheit. We can prune to about 12 inches tall to encourage it to flower abundantly them near your bird. The branches that died during the fall when and How should I prune My butterfly ’. Uk gardens cut the dead flowers regularly, and some annual pruning your winter bird feeder Hardiness zone our. 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